In retrospect, we probably should have done a bit more homework on the kid's names before signing off on the birth certificates.
During the first few months of the twin’s life, we didn’t venture out too far or too often. When we did, there was always lots of interest in them and questions about them…Are they identical? What did we name them? How old were they? Are they good sleepers? Glad it is you and not me! (People would seriously – and more often than not – actually say that. What the hell people?)
This one particular day – we had the twins out for a grocery run at the local Safeway. They were probably only about a month old, and let me tell you, if you think one newborn gets a lot of attention, picture the frenzy around two newborns.
When we finally got to the checkout, a woman ahead of us in line started asking about the babies. When I mentioned that we named them Max and Molly - she shrieked, “Oh my God! Growing up I had a dog and cat named Max and Molly! Molly was the cat! Isn’t that funny?”
The woman behind me piped in with, “That is super cute – I am totally going to tell my daughter to name the hamsters she just got Max and Molly.”
Yeah – isn’t that just super cute. Hope your hamsters enjoy my children’s names!
This was sort of just the cherry on top of our name troubles – which started way back when we first found out we were having twins. When we thought we were only having one baby it was hard enough - we couldn’t agree on one name, let alone two. The only thing we could agree on is that we weren’t going to do the whole matchy-matchy cutesy twin name thing. Nope, there would be no Michael and Michaela, or Patrick and Patricia’s here.
I was convinced we were having twin girls (in BC, there is an actual law that the ultrasound techs can’t tell you what you are having, so it was left to maternal hunch – which I clearly suck at) and I had decided they were going to be called Ava Louise and Grace Elizabeth.
Anders wasn’t a fan of either name and was pulling for Linnea or Molly. I used to know a Linnea in school (and to be honest – I wasn’t a super fan as, just for an example, she would get into fist fights at parties - JUST FOR FUN) so that name was clearly out, and I wasn’t sure about Molly.
Then, at about seven months pregnant, I had some complications and was airlifted to a larger hospital in Vancouver. During one of my dozen or so ultrasounds over the few weeks I was there, a doctor who happened to be attending the ultrasound, casually dropped that I was having a BOY and a girl. That fucked everything up! I was seven and a half months pregnant and we hadn’t picked any boy names (due to my previously mentioned super awesome maternal hunch skills). We hadn’t been able to agree on even one girl name in 30 or so weeks, so there was a very real chance this poor little boy would be going home with a name like “Baby A” Jonsson.
We started to brainstorm names, and I was getting pretty nervous as all the boy names Anders was suggesting were total crap. I was not going to be the mother calling across a playground for a Bjorn, or a Maximus or a Steele. Really? Steele? Do you want him to grow up to be a gigolo or male dancer? Because that is what you are condemning him to with a name like that!
I was pulling for boy names like Finn, Oskar (which in hindsight – good call on the veto Anders!) and Erik. I was still pretty solid on the girl name – it was going to be Ava Elizabeth Grace (just combine them into one) or a new name I had heard and really liked - Mette.
Anders vetoed them all and was insistent on the name Molly for a girl, and a shortened version of Maximus – just Max – for a boy.
Then the day finally came and Baby A and Baby B entered the world. And that made it even harder. They were now little people, with little faces and the start of little personalities. How could I give this little seven and half pound ball of easy-going chub a huge name like Oskar? And how can you name this watchful and alert little baby girl a name like Mette when she already seemed too old and wise for it on her first day of life?
To be honest - the day they were born was a blur. I was higher than a kite (jacked up on some really good meds) and crazy with hormones. Long story short (and to be honest I am not really sure of the details or how it happened so I couldn’t expand even if I wanted to!) the babies were officially named Max and Molly.
So much for our first and only rule of not having matchey matching cutesy twin names!
I wanted to do the middle names though and Anders agreed. I was looking for some family names, and I wanted them to have three names like me, so I started working on names that flowed together.
First up was Molly and that was easy as I had been thinking of girl names for nine months. We picked Anne (my grandma was Anna, my sister’s middle name is Ann) and Catherine (both Anders mom’s and sister’s middle name is Katrina – Hungarian for Catherine). So Molly Anne Catherine was officially named.
But for Max’s middle names, I was totally stumped. Nothing really rolls with Max. I wanted something from my family, and my dad’s middle name – Wilfred (which was also his father’s middle name) seemed like a good pick and Anders middle name, Mikael, kind of works with that, so we had ourselves a Max Wilfred Mikael.
We filled in the paperwork and handed it in. We had finally picked some names and I was more relieved than anything that we had finished this huge job. Who knew that naming your babies was such a stressful thing?
Then a nurse pointed out that my doctor’s name was Anne and the doctor who assisted the delivery was Catherine and wasn’t that sweet of us to name Molly after them. Uummm – yeah – wasn’t that super nice and not at all like a weird homage to them from us….super nice and not creepy at all!
First weird name thing.
Then, my friend had these wonderful keepsake blankets (with their names embroderied on them)made for the twins. Shortly after the blankets arrived - my parents came over for a visit. As I was showing them the new soft and cuddly blankets, my Dad did a double take and was like “Who is Wilfred? My middle name, and my dad’s middle, name is WilFORD.”
Son of a BITCH! Second problem with the names.
In the last (almost) four years of their life, I have had a shockingly high number of people tell me they have had pets named Max and Molly. Everything from goldfish to cats and dogs.
And then I had a friend send me an email letting me know that when she searches for this blog, she gets all kinds of blogs about animals. I was not surprised after the Safeway line-up incident, but I was curious, so I Googled “Max and Molly”.
Apparently there are thousands of cat/dog combos out there named Max and Molly. And dozens of owners who love these pets enough to write blogs about them.
There is a Max and Molly animal photography, there are Max and Molly films (scared to click that link. I have no idea what kind of movies they are but you can’t un-see porn made in your children’s names) and there is also apparently a Max and Molly app for the iPhone which turns your words into meows and barks. It has also been rated as one of the most annoying apps.
Come on! Really?
Well, I guess thousands of golden retriever/tabby cat combos can’t be wrong. The two names do sound cute together, and eventually they will start their own lives and not be known as “MaxandMolly.” Molly can even start to use Anne as her first name if she wants.
And, when the kids get older and ask me why they are named after a popular dog/cat name combo - I will let them know to ask their father since I was pretty high when that happened and don’t recall all the details.