In the last five years, we have done almost everything on that list (excluding divorce, getting arrested, and the death of a spouse.) But – the year is still young. We have moved (three times), changed jobs (for me - four times, for Anders twice), gotten married and had twins. But by far – hands down – the two most stressful things we have done in the last five years has been looking for a new family vehicle, and the family road trip which we are currently 39-ish hours into.
The car shopping thing started probably almost a year ago (and sadly, I am not kidding). It started with me saying I wanted a “run around” which could have also been said as: “I am so fucking tired of driving that van which basically screams I have given up on life, and am two minutes away from wearing my pajama pants to get groceries and forgetting I have a roller on the back of my head.”
Anders was with me for a while…we talked about a little Ford Fiesta (I was picturing me cruising in one in that super cute and sporty green color) or a little Golf, maybe even a little Volvo C30. I seriously didn’t give a shit what it was, as long as it didn’t have a built in DVD system and enough cargo room for a double stroller.
Then – and here is where everyone’s memory gets fuzzy – it turned into us trading in the van for a SUV. I think it was Anders, but he has conveniently lost all memory of conversations with me over the past 12 months.
So what started as me getting a fun little car for my daily commute (one which would let me feel like “me” and not the mother of twins for a brief and glorious hour each day) ended with the four of us on the Honda lot on Saturday. And just let me say – that day did not go well for anybody. Not Anders, not the kids, not me and definitely not the sorry-ass Honda salesman (who I almost feel like we should send an edible bouquet to or something. That guy definitely left work that day – shot a bottle of tequila - and gave himself a vasectomy on his kitchen table. No shit.)
I will spare you all the details, but it started with Anders stating he wouldn’t get the Honda Pilot as the dash dials (speed/gas/temperature) looked “rinky-dinky” and that the van was “more luxurious feeling.” This is where shit took a hard left. We own a VAN – a Honda van. How can that feel luxurious? Long story short – the visit ended with the kids crying/shrieking to go home and Anders and I trying to pretend it was “all good – totally good – no worries – we got this” for the horrified salesman while we did that scary whisper yell/hiss at each other. We did not talk for the entire rest of the day and I have a good hunch the idea of vehicle shopping has been put on the shelf for a while.
This brings me to stressful event number two - our current family vacation. Pre-kid – I loved road trips. In hindsight, this was probably due to the fact on these road trips I was always going somewhere fun with girlfriends and I chain smoked the entire way. We also spent the entire time singing at the top of our lungs to great music.
This road trip started off with Anders deciding his shirt smelled “moldy” and literally soaking himself in cologne. So, once my eyes stopped burning and my vision cleared – I came back to Max screaming he had to pee (this is like 30 minutes into the trip). There were no rest stops in sight so we pulled over and I tried to shield Max while he peed on the roadside, my hand and his shoe. Awesome. Molly then started screaming that she wanted to see her friend Morgan (who we haven’t seen in at least half a year so God knows where this came from) and there was no talking her down. The conversation ended with me telling her (and admittedly not my mothering highlight of the year) that I guess she should get out and walk back, as we weren’t turning around.
All of this happened within the first hour of the six hour drive. At this point, I made the call to cut my losses and popped some extra strength Buckley’s Nighttime, and blissfully drifted off. (Before you call Intervention – I honestly do have a head cold so I can kind of justify it.)
I have fuzzy and vague recollections of the drive – Molly peeing in a parking lot, Max telling strangers he took a GINORMOUS poop, and Anders asking me to take about 1,000 pictures of him and the kids in front of various landmarks.
Anders and Max - somewhere between Calgary and Jasper. Max just finished telling a nice couple in the parking lot about his bowel movement. |
It has rained constantly since we got here, but tomorrow is supposed to be sunny, so maybe it will all start to look up. Or I can just get more Buckley’s Nighttime. It seems to just kind of take the hard edges off, and make things a lot funnier. (If I am still talking about taking Buckley’s in like a week – please do call Intervention.)
We have 12 days left on this vacation, but I think we are all hitting our stride. Max and Molly have figured out that I am drugged and exhausted and are loving this new state of anarchy. At one point today I looked over and they were jumping on the couch in our hotel room - both were holding a juice box in one hand and chocolate in the other. Their little chocolate smeared faces were the perfect vision of pure bliss.
A muffin, hot chocolate, salt and packets of sugar for breakfast? Hell Yes! |